When you have problems that require oral or maxillofacial surgery, you receive a comprehensive individual consultation and treatment tailored to your needs. Through national and international networking and active research, we create a treatment plan for you that is in line with the latest scientific findings. In collaboration with other disciplines, we treat our patients with the greatest professional skill.
Our division offers the entire spectrum of oral and maxillofacial surgical procedures. Our primary focus is on reconstructive surgery for the head, neck and face (e.g., for malignant tumors), correction of skeletal malocclusion and treatment of congenital facial malformations.
The uniqueness and the added value of our division are the result of the symbiosis between patient care, research and education. The division is jointly operated by the Medical University of Graz and the Styrian Hospital Association (KAGes). This interdisciplinary cooperation between both providers at the University Hospital Graz site is also reflected on our website. More information on patient care can be found at the University Hospital Graz website.